Providing onsite biological phosphorus & nitrogen removal assessments by conducting nutrient & ORP system profiles then analyzing and reporting the data.

  • Providing a "bridge" between WWTP operators in understanding, troubleshooting and optimizing their biological phosphorus & nitrogen removal systems. 
  • Working with operators to improve biological phosphorus & nitrogen removal system performance minimizing the need for expensive upgrades.

Op2Myz, LLC

Website last updated:  12-10-21

Copyright © Op2Myz, L.L.C.. All rights reserved.

For References -  please call or email Greg, see contact page


Provide assistance by guiding operators through biological phosphorus & nitrogen removal  troubleshooting & optimization issues improving system performance and with the potential of reducing operating & capital costs.

Providing both onsite and offsite training for biological phosphorus & nitrogen removal systems.  Training can be hands on and/or classroom.

Providing assistance with  Wisconsin DNR required phosphorus optimization & evaluation.